Musician | Teacher | Arranger
Studies at Musikhochschule Hannover. Student of Prof. Helmuth Pallushek
1983 – 1985 Member of the Herbert-von-Karajan Stiftung of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
Since 1985 Principal Soloclarinet of the SWR Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart
Ensembles: Ludwig Chamber Players | STUTTGART WINDS | newers.ensemble | Duo with Mako Okamoto, piano
Equipment: JOSEF Woodwind Manufacture | Ligaphone, Paris
Album Label: TACET | Hänssler Classic | SWRmusic

Musician | Teacher | Arranger
Studies at Musikhochschule Hannover. Student of Prof. Helmuth Pallushek
1983 – 1985 Member of the Herbert-von-Karajan Stiftung of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
Since 1985 Principal Soloclarinet of the SWR Symphony Orchestra Stuttgart
Ensembles: Ludwig Chamber Players | STUTTGART WINDS | newers.ensemble | Duo with Mako Okamoto, piano
Equipment: JOSEF Woodwind Manufacture | Ligaphone, Paris
Album Label: TACET | Hänssler Classic | SWRmusic
Vita english
Since 1985 I have been principal clarinet player with the SWR Symphony Orchestra (formerly the Stuttgart Radio Symphony Orchestra) and had the privilege of experiencing and learning from the ranks of the great Maestri and soloists of the last century as a member of a wonderful orchestra. Among my most influential teachers, however, are Prof. Helmuth Pallushek – my teacher and musical foster-father in Hannover, Prof. Helen Donath – soprano and singing professor in Hannover, Thomas Brandis – former concert master of the Berlin Philharmonic, Heinz Holliger – source of ideas, chamber music partner and teacher – and Sir Roger Norrington – principal conductor of the Stuttgart RSO for many years.
I owe Heinz Holliger my constant efforts to contemporary music and a fine recording of Claude Debussy’s Première Rhapsodie (SWR music). I pay homage to Sir Roger’s musical language on my CD with the clarinet works of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart (TACET). Other CDs with works by Charles Koechlin, Robert Schumann, Paul Hindemith and a wide-ranging French repertoire have been released on the Hänssler classic and TACET labels.
Next to the orchestra, chamber music takes up most of my time. For many years, it has been the Ludwig Chamber Players that have provided a lot of work and great experiences. I have also made most of my arrangements for this mixed string and wind ensemble. Our Prokofiev Chamber Music CD, with the “Visions fugitives” (TACET 222) arranged by me, was nominated for the International Classical Music Award (ICMA) in 2017.
In addition to invitations to international festivals, including Ferrara, Schwetzingen, Salzburg or the Rheingau Music Festival, trips to Japan are a recurring pleasure in my schedule. . Since 2010 I have been working with the brilliant Japanese woodwind instrument maker Yukio Nakamura (JOSEF Woodwind Manufacture, Okinawa). In addition, wonderful friendships and projects have developed with Prof. Mako Okamoto (piano), Kei Shirai (violin), Gen Yokosaka (cello) and Ryutaro Hei (double bass). Among others, a moving recording of Olivier Messiaen the “Quatuor pour la fin de temps” by NHK, Tokyo.
クラリネット ディルク・アルトマン 400~450字
クラリネット ディルク・アルトマン Dirk Altmann
これまでにソロ、室内楽のCDを5枚リリース。モーツァルトのクラリネット作品集をはじめ、シャルル・ケクラン、ロベルト・シューマン、パウル・ヒンデミットの作品やフランスの幅広いレパートリーを収録(Hänssler classic、TACETレーベル)。また、フェラーラ、シュヴェッツィンゲン、ザルツブルク、ラインガウ音楽祭などの国際音楽祭へ招待されている。さらに、日本では岡本麻子(ピアノ)、白井圭(ヴァイオリン)、横坂源(チェロ)、幣隆太郎(コントラバス)の日本人プレーヤーとの素晴らしい友情とプロジェクトを築いており、そのメンバーと共に収録演奏したオリヴィエ・メシアン「世の終わりのための四重奏曲」がNHK-BS「クラシック倶楽部」にて放送された。2023年に岡本麻子氏と開催したリサイタルに対し、第33回青山音楽財団バロックザール賞を受賞。
1971 – 1975
From the local wind orchestra to the Berlin Philharmonic …
1976 – 1985
Become a pro
Prof. Helmut Pallushek
At the age of 11, I introduced myself to the principal clarinet of the Niedersächsischen Staatsoper and professor at the Hanover University of Music Prof. Helmut Pallushek. In line with my desire to become a musician, his lessons could not have been more focused. Over the next six years I learnt everything I needed to know to survive in a professional orchestra. I made my first stage appearance at the age of thirteen and played in the State Opera Orchestra for the first time at 14. A first prize at the national “Jugend musiziert” competition, the Niedersächsischen Jugendorchester, the Bundesjugendorchester and the Junge Deutsche Philharmonie were all on the way to becoming an orchestral musician.
1983 – 1985
Berlin Phil.
First audition and great expiriences
As a member of the Herbert von Karajan Foundation, I was then engaged as principal clarinettist for many concerts. I gained valuable experience working with Carlo Maria Giulini, Zubin Metha, Klaus Tennstedt, Václav Neumann, Giuseppe Sinopoli, Daniel Barenboim, Eugen Jochum, Lorin Maazel and, last but not least, Herbert von Karajan.
I will always be grateful for the support I received from the members of the Berliner Philharmoniker, which I could not take for granted as a very young and inexperienced colleague. This “philharmonic spirit” has had a lasting influence on my life.
since 1985
Radio-Symphonieorchestra Stuttgart
But it was the era of Sir Roger Norrington that left the strongest impression on me. The way he moulded the orchestra and established a ‘speaking’ culture of sound shaped our collaboration, which has now lasted 20 years.